PlugIns: PlugIns will allow ScrapIt Pro to support more file types just by adding a PlugIn file to the PlugIns folder (which should be in the same folder as the ScrapIt Pro application). Some PlugIns will not only allow you to import/export new file types but will also be used to display other graphic file types as well as play other sound file formats not supported by ScrapIt Pro! As new PlugIns become available, they will be placed on my web page, so check often for new PlugIns. Here are the PlugIns that come with ScrapIt Pro and what file types they support: AIFC = Allows import/export of AIFC (sound) files as well as being able to play them AIFF = Allows import/export of AIFF (sound) files as well as being able to play them EPSF = Allows import/export of EPSF (graphic) files (but does not currently display them) TIFF = Allows import/export of TIFF (graphic) files (but does not currently display them) FCIM = Allows import of FCIM (Claris Emailerâ„¢) files (they will be imported as TEXT items) FCOM = Allows import of FCOM (Claris Emailerâ„¢) files (they will be imported as TEXT items) NOTE: The names of the PlugIn files must not be changed.